Thursday, November 18, 2010

Caramel Apple Coffee

Is there anything more delicious that's ever been invented? I highly doubt that. It's two of the most wonderful things in the world, meshed into one, delightfully orgasmic wonder.....caramel apple coffee. Mmmmmm.....thank you, Carnation, for making my Autumn mornings a little more bearable! And trust me, after today, there's nothing that I couldn't love more than to sit down and enjoy a nice hot cup of my caramel coffee. Today was ridiculous. I'll spare you the boring details. Those aren't important. Let's just put it this involved me standing outside in the 20 degree windchill for about an hour, in a light sweater and a skirt. Yeah.....freezing my ass off. LOL I don't think I've ever been so glad to get inside and feel the warmth of a building!

Went to dinner the other night. Blondie and Brownie were with us. We decided on Chinese food. We're sitting there, looking at the menu, when Blondie says to us, "I think I want Beef with Boktoy." To which we reply, "Don't think you'll like that, Blondie." Blondie replies with, "Yes, I will! It comes with a TOY!" It's a good thing we hadn't already gotten our food, because with the way J laughed, I think he probably would have spewed food all over the whole table. He was laughing his ass off. The things my kids come up with crack me up. Sometimes, it takes all my energy to not laugh at them out loud, and in public. That's all I need, is some random person thinking I'm a horrible mom. I already know I am. LOL! My poor kids are going to need therapy well into their adulthood!

Have Parent/Teacher conferences tonight for both girls. I really wish, though, that Brownie's teacher would have asked me what time to come, like Blondie's teacher did. I signed up for Blondie's, but then was just basically told when to show up for Brownie's. So, I have Brownie's at 5:20 and then have to go to Blondie's at 6:40. I guess it's good that I only live a short distance from the school, because I know I'll have an hour in between the two of them. Hmm, what to do in between those two meetings? Maybe some caramel coffee.....

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