Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I heart I heart radio!

When I was working in the Detroit area, I use to leave at o'buttcrack hundred every morning to get to work on time.  My only saving grace on those long rides was my ability to listen to Mojo in the Morning on a local radio station.  I could get it as soon as I hit the Michigan border, and the signal got stronger as I trekked deeper into the abyss they call The Great White North of Michigan.  Through all the dysfunction and annoyance of driving 48 miles, one way, to work....Mojo, Spike and the others in the show were my little compadres on the expressway between Toledo and Detroit.  So....fast forward to 2009.  I was sick and tired of driving all that way, and actually working to pay my gas bill to GO to work.  So, I apply for, and get a job in Toledo.  I knew I could access the radio show on the computer, so I wasn't so disheartened thinking I wasn't going to get my daily fix.  Insert loud, obnoxious "nope you got it wrong" noise here!  My work computer won't allow streaming of the Mojo show.  B to the OOOOOOO!  So I went almost a year without my Mojo, (except for the rare instances that I was home and had the time to turn my laptop on and listen to it there).  But---then a miracle happened!  I discovered the "I heart radio" app on my Droid.  And Lo and Behold, guess who was listed in the app?  MOJO!!  So now, every day, I can sit at my desk, when I probably should have been working, and sip my highly caffenated coffee, listen to Mojo, and think of things I would rather be doing!  Now, granted, I have to wait a day to hear it, so I can't call in and be one of those obnoxious callers that I so enjoy listening to, but alas...I have my mojo back.  Thank you, I heart Radio!  You've totally made my work environment SO much more bearable!  I can now die a happy girl! 

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