Thursday, December 2, 2010

Whiney Wednesday (plus 1)

1.  It's 1,005 degrees in my classroom.  It's December.  It's 28 degrees outside.  I have three windows wide open, and a fan running in my class room.  What's wrong with that picture?

2.  I can't complain about the heat being on in my classroom, because if they turn it OFF, then it would be 28 degrees in my classroom.  There's no happy medium.

3.  My head hurts.  Feels like someone has taken my brain, and played a round of handball with it, then gently placed it back inside my skull.

4.  I have to pee like a race horse, but I can't leave do so for another hour.  I foresee a bladder bag in my eminent future.

5.  My house is filfthy.  It's void of all cleanliness.  Kinda like my body's void of all motivation to clean it.

6.  I haven't started Christmas shopping yet.  My poor children are going to have socks, underwear, and stale chocolates under the tree on Christmas morning if I don't get my ass in gear.

There, I feel better.  Kind of. 
7.  Brownie spilled grape juice on my rug this morning.  Did I mention that part of the rug is cream colored?  Or, it USED to be?  It's grapey colored now.

8.  I just noticed, that, although I'm only 33 years old, that my hands look like they're about 67.  Very loose and wrinkly.  There's no way in hell that I would ever be able to be a hand model. 


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