Monday, January 10, 2011

Ka-BOOM Happy Birthday to me!

Birthday Clipart

My phone has been blowing UP with text messages and notices of messages left on my FB from people telling me happy birthday.  What a nice thing to see, that people actually care enough to take a minute or two to post a message wishing me a happy birthday.  No, sarcasm intended.  It really is.  I hadn't planned on celebrating my birthday, but it really is nice seeing people still have compassion in their lives.  I've had to put my phone on vibrate, though, because of all the interruptions.  Every 15 seconds I was hearing, "Whoooo Wheeee!  You gotta text message!"  LOL  It started around midnight, too.  I heard it out in the kitchen while I was sleeping....or should I say TRYING to sleep, because it kept waking me up.  BUT-do you think I actually got up and turned it down?  Nope.  I was too lazy and tired to get up and go turn it down.  NOW, had I actually done that, I probably would have gotten more sleep than I did. LOL  JB was the same way, too.  So, I'm sure he's pretty tired today, also. 

I started my food journal today.  I usually take the first two or three weeks and write down everything I eat, so I can make sure that I am sticking with my diabetic, low carb diet.  I've also gotten back into the whole exercise thing.  Saturday I did Zumba (which is REALLY REALLY fun, by the way!) and Sunday I did the Wii Fitness and Just Dance.  I really REALLY want to get the Zumba for the Wii, too.  If I had the money, I'd totally do the classes, but they're $7.00/class, and I can't see myself spending that money on one class, when I can go out and buy the "game/video" for Wii and spend a one time fee of like $40.  It would pay for itself in six sessions.  Of course, I still have my eliptical machine, too.  The dreaded eliptical machine.  I know it works.....but I guess I get a sense of wanting to throw up when I know it's time to get on it.  I suppose I should get over that, huh?  I have decided, as stated in my last post, that I want to get a little black dress.  I am going to strive for a size 14, and once I hit a size 14, damnit, I'm going to go get me a LBD, and I'm going to make JB take me out in it.  I don't care where we go.  We can go to McDonald's playland or the stock car races, but damnit, I'm going to be wearing a LBD whild doing it!!!! 

1 comment:

  1. I've always wanted a LBD! I know I need to lose like 80 lbs but right now I just have no will power. I need to find it, but I don't know where I left it. I would love to try the zumba adn when I get the money, I think I will buy it. I never splurge on myself, and by dang it I will do this. I love the blog! I started a quilting one, but I can never seem to finish what i start. It's been that way throughout my whole life..Maybe that should be my New Years Resolution? Following thru? Anyways, I will continue to read this blog, you are truly an amazing woman!
