Thursday, January 20, 2011


I heard this great quote today from my friend Courtney (check out her blog at )  "You don't have to be hateful.  You just have to say 'bless your heart' instead."  This is a great thing that came almost at the most opportune moment.  I had a REALLY hard time this afternoon.  I'l spare you the details, but it was just really difficult.  Having to deal with certain people just make me crazy.I really contemplated saying something to this person, but then I got on Facebook and saw this post from Court.  Like I said, it'ls coming at the most opportune moment that it could.  SO.....needless to say, I'm going to sounding a lot like a southern belle from now on!  Piss me off?  "Bless Your Heart!"  Cut me off in traffic?  "Well, Bless your heart!" (I can't promise there won't be a rather unkind gesture to accompany that one.)  Have a student tell me to F*** off?  "Well, thank you Shenaynay.  Bless your little heart!"  The snow plow man just plowed all the snow into my driveway?  "Oh my!  Bless your cold, black heart" 

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