Thursday, February 25, 2010

Funny like in funny LOOKING, or funny like in ha ha?

People tell me all the time that I'm funny, or that they love my sense of humor. I think I'd like to talk about that for a few minutes. I think I had a pretty good sense of humor all along, but this past couple of years is when my true personality started shining and coming out. It all started happening around the time my mom passed away. I guess her passing hit me like a ton of bricks, because I was only 31, and my mom was gone, and I felt a little alone inthe world. I felt like God had given up on me, and taken her away. I was mad at him. I shouldn't have to be going through life at 31 without my mother (when in all actuality, I had been going through life without my mom for a long she was here physically but not mentally. She didn't even recognize me). But besides all that, her passing really had an incredible impact on me. Just after her passing, I came across this quote:
Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets.
So, love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don't,
and believe that everything happens for a reason.
If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said that it'd be easy. They just promised that it would be worth it.
This quote couldn't have come into my life at a better moment. It really put my life into perspective. I was sitting around after her death, all mad and upset with God and the world for having taken my mother away, when in fact, he didn't. He actually brought her back to me. Now she could remember. Now she was whole again. I hadn't thought about it that way until I read that quote. And from that moment on, I decided to take life by the horns and life it as though it were a gift, not a mundane task. I guess this is where my personality started blossoming. I had always been one of those types of people to be sarcastic and try to smile often, but it just perpetuated into something more, and the velocity of my outlook on life intensified. I began to smile more often, laugh when I could, love at all times, and not sweat the small stuff. What is life if you can't make fun of it? It's just a mundane task. And I know my mom wouldn't want me sitting around being mundane. She was always so full of life and love. And that's how I strive to be now. I strive to make the best of all situations, and to laugh as much as I can. So yeah, that's where my humor came to its peak. Now I guess, it's one of the main traits that people see in me. Which isn't a bad least I don't think so. I like to think that making people laugh is a gift. And I believe it's a gift my mom gave me when she went home to be with God....a little something of her that she left behind for me.
So, if you think I'm funny looking, so be it. I don't care. In fact, what else can I do to make you smile? Do I need to tell you a corny joke? Or wear two different socks (don't knock it, I've been known to do it!)? Or, if you just think I'm funny ha ha, that'll be good enough too. Thanks, Mom. Thanks for helping me spread the smiles!
~Later Days

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